Albany Wildlife and Animal Removal

What Diseases Do Squirrels Carry?

Squirrels are good-looking and amusing New York animals and can be source of entertainment to human and pets. While they do not carry rabies which made most people to think that they are safe, there are many other diseases that can be transferred from them to human. So, what diseases do Albany squirrels carry and can they transfer the diseases to human? If you are still asking this kind of question, you should simply read to the end of this article to find out the correct answer to your question.

The Squirrel Pox or Fibroma
The New York squirrel pox or fibroma is a common viral disease that normally affects squirrels. It is mostly spread among squirrels via insect bites like mosquitoes. This infection normally results to skin tumors but do not really cause problem to squirrel unless when there is secondary skin infection which can stimulate the tumor into something more serious. Sometime, the tumor can easily spread to the liver, kidney and other organs of Albany squirrel causing more diseases.

A Look at Bubonic Plague among Squirrels
The bubonic plaque is mostly caused by Yersinia pestis bacterium and the disease is mostly among the ground burrowing Albany squirrels. The disease can cause weakness, fever, rash and other abnormality on squirrels. More so, this disease can be transferred to human through flea that has feed on New York squirrel. The bites of the flea from the body of squirrel can effects human with this bacterial infection.

The Leptospirosis Disease of Squirrels
Indeed, Leptospirosis is disease of the Albany squirrel which can cause kidney or liver failure even when the squirrel does not show any symptom. This disease can be transferred to human through handling of sick squirrel. So, in order to avoid this disease, you should make sure that you do not feed or care for ill New York squirrel as leptospirosis may be the problem.

The Salmonella Disease of the Squirrels
The Salmonella disease is a popular bacterial infection that mainly affect intestinal tract. They are mainly in the New York animal and human intestine and can be removed through feces. For that reason, if you get in contact with squirrel urine or feces, you may end up contacting this dangerous bacterial infection. So, after solving your squirrel infestation problem in the attic, roof or even on your garden, the best thing to do in order to avoid salmonella infection is to clean up the areas and remove all Albany squirrel poops and sanitize the entire place.

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